Saturday, December 5, 2015

[iOS] Partometer3D - camera tool for measurements on photos.

The first version of Partometer3D app for iOS is now available on the App Store. 

The main goal of this app is to perform measurements on pictures taken from any view angle (parallel  or not parallel to a camera). Please check this presentation for more info. 

The app also allows users to do measurements on stretched pictures. The app requires to set a measurement plane using any rectangular object of known size or w/r ratio. 

If W/H Ratio option is used for setting the measurement plane, additional Reference Object Length (ROL) has to be used to set a scale of this plane. See an example of using W/R ratio and ROL for measurements in our previous post about Partometer3D on Android.

The following video is a short demonstration of measurements with Partometer3D and accuracy test for length, angle, circle diameter values: 

In the demo video A4 sheet is used to define the measurement plane. Width of the sheet is measured in the Length Mode to see the measurement accuracy in this plane. Then Angle Mode demonstrated with angle and sheet sides measurements. Diameter of a circle (72 mm) is measured in the Circle Mode using special 3-point ruler for bounding circular objects in the plane. 

If you have questions about the app or have improvement suggestions, we will be glad to hear from you in comments below or by e-mail.

SolarMeter Android app on Google Play

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